I manage a team of interdisciplinary researchers at Meta in Reality Labs Research. Our mission is to develop novel techonologies that allow people to interact with AI and with their world in a fluid and intuitive way. Our research push beyonds the state-of-the-art in generative AI, eye tracking, human-computer interaction, and user interface and system design to deliver fundamentally new capabilities to people.
Dr. Jonker received a Masters and PhD in cognitive science from the University of Waterloo and a Bachelor’s degree from the University of the Fraser Valley. She has received several awards for her academic and research achievements, most notably the Alumni Gold Medal for outstanding achievement in her graduate research, the Governor General’s academic silver medal for highest academic standing in her undergraduate class, and the Young Distinguished Alumni award.
After completing a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of California in Davis, Dr. Jonker joined Oculus Research, now Meta. Dr. Jonker currently manages a large interdisciplinary team of software engineers, AI researchers, human-computer intearction researchers, cognitive scientists, and design researchers. Together they concept, test, and develop AI-driven adaptive interfaces for smartglasses and the augmented future.
Dr. Jonker has over 15 patents and she has published in top tier journals in the fields of both cognitive science and human-computer interaction, including Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, Psychological Review, CHI, and UIST, and her work has been featured in numerous media outlets. Throughout her research career (CV), her work has focused on the role of context in how humans process and interact with the world. Her research has employed various methods to understand and model human behaviour, including fMRI, EEG, wearable cameras, augmented reality glasses, smart wristbands, and virtual reality with eye-tracking.